Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Pet Peeve (language)

I heard today an instance of a form of sentence that bugs me.

It goes "I hate to say it, but (something racist or sexist) "

Look- everyone around you hates it when you say it, too. If you really hate it, then indulge yourself for once, and don't say it.


1 comment:

Nik said...

"I hate to say it, but I have reached a racist conclusion due to poorly thought out ideas and a kind of superstitious fear of people that are different from me. That one bad experience I had has now been generalized to a large group of people that number in the millions. Boy, am I a moron."

Humans can be so stupid.

"This one time, I flipped a coin over and over, and I got 7 heads in a row. And while I was doing it, I was thinking about Prince Charles and his ears. So now, whenever I want to get head, I think about ears. IT MAKES PERFECT SENSE."

Irrationally, we irrational animals are convinced we are rational, which is part of why we are irrational.