Monday, April 12, 2010

Blogger ennui

I suck as a blogger, because I post weekly, or infrequently. Apparently a real blogger posts trivial shit daily. Or even twice a day.

Thing is, I know that 80% of what I do is of no interest to anyone, let alone to myself.

Many people don't suffer from such inhibitions. Every opinion, every action, every thought seems to merit a post. How strange.

Am I the sick one? Are they all sick? Because newspapers, which are dying, are full of empty words and meaningless opinion.

Meanwhile, I have only recently allowed myself to write and post opinion pieces. Prior to that, I only wrote about things I experienced first hand. If I see it, I feel comfortable writing about it.

But who sets these limits for me? Why can't I just write about whatever I want? If I feel the need to dedicate 80 paragraphs to my thoughts on the smell of old porn mags, who is going to stop me? Who is going to care?

This is the Internet. Everything is permitted.

1 comment:

Rusty Shrew said...

It sounds like you and I have something in common., I'm glad you're not posting meaningless dribble daily. I'd rather have quality over quantity any time.