Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Future of Nothingness

What if there was a place on the Internets where peace and love reigned supreme? And then me and my friends came along and pissed all over it, for fun? That would be great.


Nik said...

Too busy to go on some stupid, nothing blog? Too busy to write? Living lives and shit? Existing and shit? Being in the world and doing things, and shit? Fuck, man. That's soft.

It's about the word, dig? It's either in your blood and has to come out, or you're a spineless sack of shit in an office chair watching youtube videos until your eyes hurt. Ya hear me, man? You dig what I'm fucking saying, man?

It's time to rip the motherfucking wings off this dragonfly and put them on your eyes like contact lenses. Do you under-fucking-stand me, asshole? What did I just say? Tell me what I just fucking said.

"You said to rip the wings off a dragonfly..."

The motherfucking wings.

"Yeah, okay. The wings. And put them on my eyes likes contact lenses."

That's right, motherfucker. Least I know you're paying attention. Now fucking do it. Get your ass out to the swamp of your soul. Find that dragonfly in your chest, and mutilate the fucker for the benefit of mankind, dig?

"Dig? Man? What the hell is wrong with you? You're using 1960s slang."

It's this piece of shit Thomas Pynchon novel I'm reading, man. I fucking hate it to shit, but it's getting into my head. His latest book. Too many characters, no plot, it's pure fucking gibberish. But I just keep reading. I've lost track of the story. I don't know who all the people are. None of it makes any fucking sense, but I just. keep. reading!

I want to put it down. I do. I really fucking do, man. It's a fucking abortion. It's an abortion on wheels, man. Stainless steel wheels on a motherfucking abortion, man. Ya dig?

"Nosir. No. I do not fucking dig."

Well, that's your right.

Nik said...

(Oh my god. Now he's commenting on his own posts. What is his problem?)